National-Level Data Collection on Diffusion and Use of CGIAR Innovations
SPIA has been working to improve the accuracy and efficiency of data collection related to adoption of CGIAR innovations and on key CGIAR outcomes. The goal is to integrate new data collection protocols into large-scale surveys regularly implemented by national systems. This work is being carried out in a small set of priority countries as proof of concept, to then develop a strategy for institutionalization. Central to this work is the ongoing partnership between SPIA and the World Bank Living Standards Measurement (LSMS-ISA) team to strengthen the statistical capacity to capture CGIAR outcomes at a representative scale in key countries.
The SPIA country-level approach to documenting the adoption and diffusion of agricultural innovations linked to CGIAR research involves three stages:
- Understanding the full range of recent CGIAR activities in the country by engaging with CGIAR researchers, science leaders and national stakeholders.
- Prioritizing among these candidate innovations and identifying those that can be observed in survey data or be subjected to new data collection approaches such as DNA fingerprinting or remote sensing.
- Working with partners to integrate these new data collection approaches into nationally representative surveys.
The CGIAR Standing Panel on Impact Assessment (SPIA) is now advancing to Phases 2 and 3 of its country studies, building on ongoing research into the dynamics of agricultural innovation. These next phases wil deepen insights into how agricultural technologies scale and contribute to development. While the call for applications has closed, stay tuned for upcoming findings that will shape the future of sustainable agriculture.
- Phase 1: Ethiopia, Uganda, Vietnam, Bangladesh
- Phase 2: Colombia, Nigeria, North East India
- Phase 3: Egypt, Ghana, Mali, Senegal, Cote d’Ivoire, Kenya, Malawi, Philippines, South India, Nepal, Morocco, Guatemala, Peru