Camels, Ostriches, and Sheep, Oh My! ISDC Meets in Nairobi in Preparation of Portfolio25 Proposal Reviews
ISDC met in Nairobi in preparation for its forthcoming Portfolio25 independent review of research proposals.

New Megatrend Insights for the Research Portfolio
Examining the effect of recent global shocks is timely as CGIAR prepares its 2025-2027 research and innovation portfolio.
Vacancy announcement: Temporary Officer, ISDC (Part-Time 50%)
We’re seeking a Temporary Officer (part-time, 50%) to support the technical and operational needs of the ISDC Secretariat.

Vacancy: Senior Manager, Operations & Events, IAES & ISDC Secretariat, CGIAR
We’re seeking a Senior Manager, Operations & Events to support IAES (30%) and ISDC (70%).

Why Coherence and Cohesion Matter for the CGIAR Research Portfolio
Coherence and cohesion are essential qualities of any effective research portfolio.