SPIA Panel
The Standing Panel on Impact Assessment is an external, impartial panel of experts in impact assessment subject matter. Panel members are generally full-time academics who dedicate 20 days per year to SPIA activities.
The Panel is supported by the SPIA Professional Team, including the Country Study Support Team, the Causal Impact Assessment Team, the Use of Evidence Team and the Program Management Team. The two latter are formally of the CGIAR’s Independent Advisory and Evaluation Service (IAES). SPIA furthermore works closely with Impact Assessment Focal Points (IAFP), nominated by each CGIAR Center and CRP.
SPIA Professional Team
Impact Assessment Focal Points (IAFPs)
SPIA’s primary points of contact with CGIAR centers and Initiatives are the Impact Assessment Focal Points (IAFPS). IAFPS, who are appointed by their institutions, maintain the flow of information between SPIA and the research programs, and also form a community of practice around impact assessment issues in CGIAR.