Shining a Brighter Light: Comprehensive Evidence on Adoption and Diffusion of CGIAR-Related Innovations in Ethiopia
In recent decades the agricultural sector in Ethiopia has seen a sustained period of growth, which is believed to have contributed in turn to economic growth and poverty reduction. The country is undergoing a structural transformation and a gradual process of modernization in agriculture, supported by government programs.
In this context, this report, provides new nationally representative micro-level evidence of the adoption and diffusion of agricultural innovations, focusing on those innovations that can be linked to CGIAR research. The report, published in October 2020, presents an unprecedented stocktaking of all CGIAR-related innovations in a given country as well as new estimates of adoption of those innovations from a nationally representative dataset. It was made possible through a partnership among the Ethiopian Central Statistics Agency (CSA), the World Bank Living Standards Measurement Study (LSMS) team, and the CGIAR Standing Panel on Impact Assessment (SPIA).
Read the report and the executive summary here
Watch the Webinar held in November 2020 to learn more
SPIA Chair Karen Macours presents the recent report followed by a discussion with a panel comprising Alan Tollervey (FCDO), Kundhavi Kadiresan (CGIAR), Doug Gollin (University of Oxford) and Mandefro Nigussie (Former Director-General of EIAR, now State Minister in the Ethiopian Ministry of Agriculture).
Read news reports and blogs about the report
Shining a Brighter Light on Adoption and Diffusion of CGIAR-Related Innovations in Ethiopia
News announcement by SPIA
Taking A National-Level Approach to Impact Assessment in Ethiopia
Blog by SPIA Member, J.V. Meenakshi, Professor of Agricultural Economics and Health Economics at the Delhi School of Economics, University of Delhi, India
A Distinctly Empirical Search for Evidence of Diffusion: SPIA’s Country-level Approach in Ethiopia
Blog by SPIA Special Initiative Member, Professor Travis J. Lybbert, Professor of Agricultural and Resources Economics, University of California Davis, USA
Shining a light on how CGIAR innovations are being adopted in Ethiopia
Blog by Siboniso Moyo, ILRI
Agricultural Innovations in Ethiopia: 14 Recipients Selected for the SPIA Small Grant Call
News announcement by SPIA
Better Data on Agricultural Innovations: A Journey Into the Ethiopian Socioeconomic Survey
Blog by Alemayehu Ambel & Asmelash Haile Tsegay, World Bank
SPIA Ethiopia Report 2024: Building Resilience to Shocks
Since the first SPIA country study report on Ethiopia (Shining a Brighter Light: Comprehensive
Evidence on Adoption and Diffusion of CGIAR-Related Innovations in Ethiopia (Kosmowski, F., et al., 2020)) the country has experienced a protracted civil conflict, repeated years of drought, a food security crisis, and the disruptions and shock of the COVID-19 pandemic. In this new report, we provide a unique national-level panel data perspective on the dynamic changes in the reach of agricultural innovations during these challenging times, leveraging the same nationally representative survey approach as we used in the 2020 report. This allows us to look at changes in the adoption and diffusion of agricultural innovations over the period 2018/19 to 2021/22.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) on the report
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