The three IAES Functions

CGIAR’s Independent Advisory and Evaluation Service (IAES) provides operational support as the secretariat for the Independent Science for Development Council (ISDC) and the Standing Panel on Impact Assessment (SPIA), and implements CGIAR’s multi-year, independent evaluation plan as approved by the System Council. The IAES and the two independent bodies it supports, facilitate and provide external, impartial, and expert advice related to strategy and positioning, program evaluation, and impact assessment.

Independent Science for Development Council

Independent Science for Development Council

The Independent Science for Development Council (ISDC) is an external, impartial standing panel of experts in science and development subject matters (including food systems innovation matters that extend beyond the agricultural sector) appointed by the System Council and accountable to it, with the responsibility of providing rigorous, independent strategic advice to the System Council, and based on decisions taken by the System Council, the broader CGIAR System as a whole.

Standing Panel on Impact Assessment

The Standing Panel on Impact Assessment (SPIA) is an external, impartial panel of experts in impact assessment appointed by the System Council and accountable to it. SPIA is responsible for providing rigorous evidence of the reach and causal impacts of CGIAR research and for providing independent strategic advice to the CGIAR System on efficient and effective impact assessment methods and practices, including those measuring impacts beyond contributions to science and economic performance, and on innovative ways to improve knowledge and capacity on how research contributes to development outcomes.

Standing Panel on Impact Assessment
Evaluation Function

Evaluation Function

The IAES's Evaluation Function delivers and supports process and performance evaluations which provide accountability, support to decision making, and lessons for improving quality and effectiveness of agricultural research for development outcomes. The CGIAR Evaluation Framework and Policy guide the work of the function. The 15 core standards and principles for the practice of evaluation in CGIAR as outlined in the Evaluation framework dictate the guiding principles of the IAES's Evaluation function. These principles establish the parameters for independent, robust, utilization-focused evaluations that support accountability and learning, and guide decision-making

A message from the Director

IAES is proud to support ISDC, SPIA, System Council, and CGIAR. We are excited that System Council expressed strong support for our 3-year plan at its 21st meeting, which includes the CGIAR Multi-Year Evaluation Plan, recognizing its relevance and responsiveness to CGIAR's evolving portfolio and structure. Building on insights from the 2024 annual report and other lessons learned, we are enhancing internal partnerships, systems, and the IAES structure to amplify the use of evaluative evidence, including ensuring knowledge products supported by IAES feed into CGIAR’s broader MELIA systems.

Allison Grove Smith
Director, CGIAR Independent Advisory and Evaluation Service (IAES)

A message from the SPIA Chair

SPIA is thrilled to launch our expanded country studies in 2025 and to collaborate with outstanding external research teams that have been selected to lead this work. We also look forward to new causal impact studies and to continued engagement with CGIAR stakeholders around key insights from the SPIA 2019-2024 portfolio. These efforts in the new SPIA workplan continue SPIA’s commitment to evidence-based learning and decision-making across the system.

Travis Lybbert
Chair, CGIAR Standing Panel on Impact Assessment (SPIA)

A message from the ISDC Chair

The Independent Science for Development Council (ISDC) will continue to support the CGIAR System Council with robust, evidence-based insights on all science-related matters. In 2025, responding to the System Council’s recent request, ISDC will prioritise delivering fair and rigorous assessments of the Inception Reports. This critical task will be undertaken in coordination with the Independent Partnership Board, the Executive Director, the Global Leadership Team, and CGIAR’s Chief Scientist. Our commitment is to ensure that every decision is backed by comprehensive quantitative and qualitative evidence in support of impactful and sustainable development.

Holger Meinke
Chair, Independent Science for Development Council (ISDC)

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Annual Snapshot

Annual Snapshots summarize the year's accomplishments, offering detailed insights into focus areas, key achievements, and their broader implications. These include analyses of pivotal topics, updates on innovative projects, and summaries of advisory activities. By showcasing progress toward IAES's goals, the snapshots provide stakeholders—including researchers, policymakers, and industry leaders—with valuable information to guide decisions in environmental science, policy, and community actions. They serve as essential tools for understanding IAES's contributions to global development and advancing strategic collaboration.


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