Conceptualization and Purpose: The Roots of the Special Issue
Concrete applications of inclusive innovation in agriculture and food systems remain poorly documented and understood. This was highlighted and became a topic of interest for the Independent Science for Development Council (ISDC) in 2021, the external science advisory body of CGIAR, after reviewing proposals for the new CGIAR pooled funding research Initiatives. Questions piqued ISDC’s interest, such as:
- Review current practice and assess gaps in agrifood systems research to establish the rationale for inclusive innovation with particular attention toward future action;
- Propose pathways for expanded testing and use of inclusive innovation modes, and to evolve institutional practices and mechanisms;
- Draw upon evidence about inclusive innovation (e.g., empirical data; case studies) to the greatest extent possible (including evidence beyond agriculture and food systems), and
- Recognize and address the trade-offs inherent in complex agrifood systems.

Author Demographics
This special issue strived to feature authors and papers that cover the entire spectrum with special attention to early-career researchers, female scientists, and regional diversity. To align with the theme of inclusivity, corresponding authors were encouraged to convene author groups drawn from diverse networks, disciplines, geographies, gender, and institutions, including individuals with direct, practical experience in inclusive modes of agriculture and food systems research and innovation.
From the open call, 68 Expressions of Interest (EoIs) were received. Based on the abstracts provided during the EoI process, 28 manuscripts were invited for peer review, resulting in 27 submissions. Of these, 17 papers were published in the special issue. Below are the demographics collected for accepted EoIs and published papers.

1. Accepted Expressions of Interest (N=27)
- 37.00% Female authors
- 63.00% Male authors
2. Corresponding Authors for Published Papers (N=17)
- 45.60% Female authors
- 54.40% Male authors
3. All Authors (N=125)
- 45.60% Female authors
- 54.40% Male authors

CGIAR Affiliation and Career Stage
1. Accepted Expressions of Interest (N=27)
- 63.00% CGIAR affiliates
- 37.00% Early Career Scientists
2. Corresponding Authors for Published Papers (N=17)
- 70.00% CGIAR affiliates
- 70.00% Early Career Scientists
3. All Authors (N=125)
40.00% CGIAR affiliates

1. Accepted Expressions of Interest (N=27)
2. Corresponding Authors for Published Papers (N=17)
3. All Authors (N=125)
ISDC 2024 Science Forum
The 2024 Science Forum will serve as the launch event for the Agricultural Systems special issue on inclusive innovation. Four publications will be presented that focus on CGIAR research, with two early career corresponding authors presenting.
Stay tuned for more details about date and location on our website.