Advancing Innovation and Impact with CGIAR

The objective of the causal impact assessment is to conduct a comprehensive scoping phase to identify potential innovations that may have scaled in countries where CGIAR operates. This assessment focuses on five key impact areas and aims to engage in a more systematic scoping of potential learning and accountability studies. This involves providing technical assistance and follow-up beyond initial discussions. Systematic evidence of the reach of CGIAR innovations and policy influences needs to be combined with rigorous causal estimates of their impact in the five targeted impact areas of the CGIAR Research and Innovation strategy. 

Rigorous causal estimates are particularly relevant for identifying "big-win" innovations and policies with large reach and for interventions addressing last-mile delivery problems that may limit impacts at scale. To facilitate the implementation of the most relevant independent causal impact studies, SPIA will systematically scope potential causal "learning" and "accountability" studies through hands-on technical assistance and follow-up with CGIAR researchers, and by linking them with internal and external impact assessment experts.

  • Accountability Studies: Accountability studies document long-term, large-scale impacts of CGIAR research on development outcomes.
  • Learning-oriented studies: Learning studies focus on innovations that have not yet experienced widespread uptake and impact. These could be recent innovations or older ones that have not gone to scale despite solid evidence that they could provide substantial (net) benefits to users. Learning studies are designed to inform future research processes and scaling strategies and are closely linked to the ToC of the specific research programs. The results of learning studies can help make stage-gating decisions.
  • Methodological studies: In addition to accountability and learning studies, SPIA also supports work on methods development in areas where lack of appropriate methods make it hard to measure impacts of important areas of CGIAR research.


On-Going Studies


Table 1. On-Going Studies
Group-based ICT Extension Support Systems: Evidence from Rural Peru (Go Digital PERU)LearningCIP, Michigan State UniversityDemand-driven ICT-based extension through WhatsApp



Recently Completed Studies

Table 2. Recently Completed Studies
Sustained Adoption of Environmentally Sustainable Practices: Spillovers and Long-Run Impacts in Niger AccountabilityTufts, UCSB, ICRISATDemi-Lune Rainwater Harvesting Technique
Long-Term Diffusion and Impacts of Index-Based Livestock Insurance (KENYA)AccountabilityIndex-Based Livestock insuranceILRI research on pastoralist risk management that led to the development of index-based livestock insurance
Evaluating the Restoration of the Commons: A Quasi-Experimental Impact Assessment of a Large-Scale Land Restoration Initiative in India Founded on the Tenets of Collective Action and Property Rights (INDIA)AccountabilityICRAF, IFPRI, Foundation for Ecological Security (FES)Promise of Commons Institutional innovation-NRM: IFPRI research on the importance of property rights and collective action for managing natural resource
Impact of a Second-Generation Conservation Agriculture Technology (Happy Seeder) on Crop Residue Burning and Air Quality in Northwestern Indo-Gangetic Plains (INDIA)AccountabilityCIMMYT, IISER (India), U MichiganHappy Seeder technology Machinery
Land-Use Land-Cover Change (LULCC) Impacts of Sorghum and Millet Upscaling Project in Mali (MALI)AccountabilityIAMO (Germany), UC Louvain, UCSB, ICRISATImproved variety-crop: Improved sorghum and millet varieties
Evaluating the Impact of Stress-Tolerant Rice Varieties Through Remote Sensing and Econometric Methods (BANGLADESH)AccountabilityIRRI, University of ArizonaImproved variety – Stress-Tolerant Rice Varieties: Submergence tolerant rice
Rangeland Health and Index-Based Livestock Insurance: Innovations in Measurement and Evaluation (KENYA, ETHIOPIA)AccountabiliyCornell, ILRIIndex-Based Livestock Insurance (IBLI)
Communal Grazing Exclosures for Scaling Improved Forages in the Ethiopian HighlandsLearningUniversidad de los Andes, ILRIScaling approaches for improved forages
Diffusion and Adoption of Labor-Saving Technology in the Presence of Complementarity With Other Inputs, Intra-household Frictions, and Coordination Costs, Uganda (Pilot)LearningIPA, AfricaRice, Northwestern U, UC Berkeley, U Sydney.Two-row Adapted Motorized Paddy Weeder (AMW) developed in TZ as part of SARD-DC
Scaling Pathways for Accelerating Adoption of the Sweetpotato Triple S Technology in Dry Areas of MozambiqueLearningWilliam and Mary, CIPTriple S (Storage in Sand and Sprouting) technology
emand and Liquidity Coordination to Foster the Adoption for Livestock Vaccinations: An Experiment with Small-Holder Dairy Cooperatives in KenyaLearningILRI, UC Santa Cruz, Indian School of BusinessVaccine Infection and Treatment Method - ECF-ITM, developed 40 years ago and regularly improved but still not widely adopted.
Diffusion of Machine-Harvestable Chickpeas and Implications for Labor Markets in IndiaLearningUC Berkeley, J-PAL, ICRISATMachine-harvestable Chickpeas (MHCP): Erect to semi-erect growth habit and the first pod height is at least 25 cm above the soil surface
Small Mechanization Impact Stimuli in Ethiopia (SMISE)LearningWilliams College, Amherst College, CIMMYTSmall mechanization hire service business models
Picture Based Advisories (PBA) – Tailored digital extension based on individual field picturesLearningIFPRI, Wageningen UniversityPicture Based Advisories (PBA) app
Technology Adoption and Market-Access: On-Farm Agribusinesses in RwandaLearningWorld Bank, CIAIVR-based marketplace for smallholder farmers
Institutionalizing, Tracking and Monitoring the Dissemination of Aflasafe in AfricaMethodsIITAAflasafe
Data Collection on the GIFT Dissemination Process From Hatcheries to Farmers in BangladeshMethodsWorldFishGenetically Improved Farmed Tilapia (GIFT)
Data Collection on the Historical Dissemination of ASI Threshers in Senegal and NigeriaMethodsAfricaRiceASI Threshers
Data Collection on the Historical Dissemination of Early-Maturing Lentil Varieties in Bangladesh and IndiaMethodsICARDAEarly-Maturing Lentil Varieties
Impacts of Blast Resistant Wheat in BangladeshMethodsCIMMYTCompare BARI Gom 33 variety to the entire crop portfolio – not just a farmer’s other wheat varieties. Two-stage experiment to demonstrate a methodology for determining whether some farmers successfully adapt to abrupt environmental change by switching their crop portfolio