Strategic & Synthesis Studies Science ISDC Issued on 2019 Public Agricultural Research and Development in an Era of Transformation: The Challenge of Agri-Food System Innovation. Resource Document I: Case studies Andy Hall and Jeroen Dijkman
Strategic & Synthesis Studies Science ISDC Issued on 2019 Public Agricultural Research in an Era of Transformation: The Challenge of Agri-Food System Innovation Andy Hall and Jeroen Dijkman
Journal Articles Impact SPIA Issued on 2019 Farmer Adoption of Plot- and Farm-level Natural Resource Management Practices: Between Rhetoric and Reality Stevenson, J., Vanlauwe, B, Macours, K., Johnson, N., Krishnan, L. Place, F., Spielman, D., Hughes, K., and Vlek, P
Briefs Impact SPIA Issued on 2019 Using Social Networks to Promote New Agricultural Technologies in Nepal
Strategic & Synthesis Studies Impact SPIA Issued on 2019 Impact of CGIAR’s Agricultural Research for Development: Findings and Lessons from the SIAC Program Standing Panel on Impact Assessment (SPIA)
Briefs Impact SPIA Issued on 2019 The Impacts of Conservation Agriculture on Resilience to Weather Shocks in Zimbabwe
Briefs Impact SPIA Issued on 2019 How can Small-scale Farmers in Niger be Encouraged to Adopt Rainwater Harvesting? Results from a Pilot Study
Briefs Impact SPIA Issued on 2019 Do Tailored Input Recommendations and Flexible Subsidies Increase Uptake and Yields among Maize Farmers in Mexico?
Technical Notes Impact SPIA Issued on 2019 A Country-Level Approach for Tracking the Diffusion of Agricultural Innovations in Developing Countries Kosmowski, F., Ilukor, J., Johnson, N., Sekabira, H., Stevenson, J., & Wambugu, S.
Strategic & Synthesis Studies Impact SPIA Issued on 2018 Assessing the Adoption and Diffusion of Natural Resource Management Practices: Synthesis of a New Set of Empirical Studies Stevenson, J. & Vlek, P.
Briefs Science ISDC Issued on 2018 Agriculture & Food Systems to 2050 - Global Trends, Challenges and Opportunities Edited by Rachid Serraj (ISPC Secretariat) & Prabhu Pingali (Cornell University)