
SPIA’s current multi-year program of work is based around three objectives:

  1. Support CGIAR’s strong commitment to embed a culture of impact assessment into the System.
  2. Expand and deepen evidence of impact of CGIAR research investments on CGIAR SRF outcomes and associated SDGs.  
  3. Improve and institutionalize collection of data on diffusion and use of CGIAR innovations in national data collection systems. 

The workplan is for three years however it is part of a six-year plan and budget. The workplan was endorsed at the 7th CGIAR System Council Meeting held on 15/16 November 2018.

Download the SPIA workplan 2019-2021 here.

The SPIA 2020 annual budget is included in the overall budget of CGIAR Advisory Services, approved by System Council (Decision C/M9/EDP6). Download the document here.