Ms Svetlana Negroustoueva leads Independent Evaluation Function at CGIAR. Svetlana has 20+ years of experience leading and being part of teams conducting Monitoring, Evaluation and Learning (MEL) activities with the World Bank (GEF and CIFs), the African Development Bank, several UN agencies, and bilateral agencies (USG and DFID), focused on designing and conducting evaluations, assessments, monitoring and research activities, and quantitative and qualitative data collection and analyses. Her positions were concerned with demand-driven and independent evaluations at the intersection of R4D, sustainable landscapes, energy, health, food security, gender and social inclusion. She was an independent evaluator herself, for a variety of clients during consultancy assignments, she has been an active member of evaluation associations (AEA, EES). At CGIAR, she lead the development of the evaluation guidelines on evaluating Quality of Science, which are currently being applied to the evaluations of three science groups. Svetlana has a passion and expertise is in the domain of gender and evaluation; she was a co-chair of EvalGender+, the global partnership to promote the demand, supply and use of Equity Focused and Gender Responsive Evaluations. Svetlanais a Russian and US national, and holds a Master’s degree in Public Affairs from the University of Texas at Austin in the USA, and Advanced BA in Public Administration and Social Research from Lomonosov Moscow State University (MSU) in Russia.