The CGIAR 2030 Research and Innovation Strategy sets the stage for research that provides solutions for development. Priorities set out in the strategy were delivered through 33 initiatives grouped within three interlinked Action Areas: Systems Transformation, Resilient Agri-food Systems, and Genetic Innovation (GI).
This report evaluates the GI Science Group (SG), with evaluative scope covering the GI SG portfolio implementation from January 2022 to February 2024, excluding the Genebank Platform, which was evaluated in 2023. The evaluation criteria, in response to the evaluation Terms of Reference, include relevance, coherence, effectiveness, efficiency, and quality of science. The evaluation findings and recommendations inform portfolio design and the development of new GI and science program proposals. The evaluation also contributes to strategic decision-making by the CGIAR System Council about the 2025-27 Multi-Year Evaluation Plan, informing portfolio design and the development of new GI and science program proposals.
By employing a theory-based approach with mixed methods, the report sought to understand how well GI SG activities aligned with national and regional needs, including those of farmers and end-users. The evaluation also aimed to identify challenges in breeding programs, such as integration with genebanks and other SGs, while highlighting successes in market intelligence, partnerships, and gender inclusion. Ultimately, the goal was to provide actionable recommendations for improving strategies and practices to ensure sustained impact in crop breeding and food systems.
Explore more resources and insights on the Science Group Evaluations Portal.
CGIAR Independent Advisory and Evaluation Service (IAES). (2024). Genetic Innovation Science Group: Evaluation Report. Rome: IAES Evaluation Function. https://iaes.cgiar.org/evaluation
R. Paz Ybarnegaray, B.I.G. Haussmann, D.H. Meyer, G. J. Bryan, S. E. Asare
Independent Advisory and Evaluation Service (IAES)