The report provides a detailed assessment of CGIAR-related agricultural innovations in Viet Nam, building on a previous SPIA study. The study contextualizes Viet Nam’s rapid economic growth and agricultural transformation, emphasizing its strategic importance to CGIAR. Covering diverse domains such as aquaculture, breeding, climate adaptation, mechanization, and sustainable intensification, the research identifies 78 innovations, and 30 policy contributions linked to CGIAR research from 2003 to 2023.
Focusing on 19 innovations with high adoption potential, the study employs rigorous methodologies, including data integration with the Viet Nam Household Living Standards Survey (VHLSS), DNA fingerprinting, and geospatial analysis, to quantify adoption rates and profile adopters' socioeconomic characteristics. Among these innovations, 10 were strongly attributed to CGIAR research.
The report offers a comprehensive overview of CGIAR’s impact in Viet Nam, focusing on the geographic reach and beneficiaries of its innovations. While significant heterogeneity exists among adopting households, the analysis reveals key patterns, such as the strong association of CGIAR innovations with the rice export sector, the cassava starch industry, and aquaculture markets. It is estimated that 3.7 and 3.9 million Vietnamese households have been reached, indicating a significant potential impact on rural communities and underscoring the enduring influence of CGIAR’s work in Viet Nam.
The findings from this study not only highlight CGIAR’s role in Viet Nam’s agricultural sector but also lay a foundation for continuing efforts to monitor, evaluate, and enhance the reach of agricultural innovations in the years to come.
Kosmowski, F., Le, T.B., Chavez, S., Nguyen, T.H., Nguyen, P., Gimode, D., Biradavolu, M., Pelletier, J., Stevenson, J., Visaria, S. (2024). SPIA Viet Nam Report: Global Ambitions, Sustainable Pathways. Rome: Standing Panel on Impact Assessment (SPIA).
Frederic Kosmowski, Thanh Binh Le, Simon Chavez, Ha Thu Nguyen, Phuong Nguyen, Davis Gimode, Monica Biradavolu, Johanne Pelletier, James Stevenson, Sujata Visaria.