Experimental Impact Evaluations of CGIAR Research, 2014-2016
The development of new technologies by the various CGIAR Centers, CRPs and their NARs partners seems to hold great promise in addressing the chal...
Under-evaluated Areas of CGIAR Research, 2013-2016
Background Many studies over the years have sought to document the impacts of agricultural research although the vast majority of these have f...
Assessing Environmental Impacts, 2008-2011
The final report for this study features a literature review of evidence assembled to date, a conceptual framework for measuring environmental im...
Diffusion and Impacts of Improved Varieties in Africa (DIIVA), 2010-2013
The Diffusion and Impact of Improved Varieties in Africa (DIIVA) project collected data on improved varieties in Africa south of the Sahara. Supp...
Strengthening Impact Assessment in the CGIAR (SIAC), 2013-2016
This is a major new initiative from SPIA funded by DFID, the Gates Foundation, and ISPC with a budget of approximately US$ 12 million over the pe...
Diffusion and Impact of Improved Varieties in Africa (DIIVA)
Basic data on adoption of improved crop varieties should be collected on a regular and systematic basis and made widely available through integra...