We are seeking a highly motivated remote sensing specialist to join the SPIA team.
The selected candidate will provide advice on all aspects of remote sensing, specifically as it applies to a set of nationally representative household surveys being commissioned and implemented over the period 2025-2030. The remote sensing specialist will work under the supervision of the program director for SPIA’s country-level studies portfolio, hosted by IFPRI in the US, and will collaborate with a small team of other research specialists focused on other specific areas of expertise (e.g. bioinformatics genotyping; replication, transparency and data curation standards; survey design, etc.). 

The position may also involve travel and fieldwork in support of SPIA’s portfolio of country studies (Ethiopia, Uganda, Vietnam, Bangladesh, Egypt, Nigeria, India, Colombia). The person hired in this position will also be invited to take part in periodic face-to-face meetings of the SPIA advisory team.

This is a nationally recruited position, through a Colombian national search and will be managed through a fixed term contract of a one year period, subject to a probation period according to the local legislation and is renewable depending on performance and availability of resources.

The deadline for this application is 20 June 2024.

Please see the vacancy announcement for more information.