For over 50 years, there has been a strong partnership between the Government of Bangladesh and CGIAR. During this time, CGIAR centers (including CIMMYT, CIP, IFPRI, IWMI, IRRI, WorldFish, and others) have collaborated with the various institutions of the Bangladesh Agricultural Research Council to develop innovations, and to generate research-based policy recommendations. The outputs from these research efforts have all been oriented towards addressing the challenges facing Bangladesh as it undergoes a significant transformation of its agricultural sector. 

SPIA is currently working with partners in several priority countries for CGIAR – Ethiopia, Uganda, Vietnam, and now getting started in Bangladesh – to collect nationally representative data on the adoption by farmers of research-related agricultural innovations.

To support the launch of this work in Bangladesh, SPIA is organizing a consultation meeting on the role of agricultural innovations in agricultural development in Bangladesh, with a focus on the past two decades.

The day and a half consultation meeting will be held on 10th and 11th of July in Dhaka, Bangladesh.  

The objectives of the event include: 

  • Introduction to SPIA’s Bangladesh country study. 
  • Sharing insights on the contributions of agricultural research to Bangladesh’s agricultural development to date and looking ahead to Bangladesh’s strategic direction for agricultural development. 
  • Discussion of the sources of evidence that can be brought to bear for understanding which innovations may be currently adopted at large scale, and the building awareness of and demand for data collection related to these.