A meeting of Impact Assessment Focal Points (IAFPs) from Centers and CRPs (CGIAR Research Programs) to strengthen the community of practitioners. See agenda and participant list for details. Individual presentations can be found below. Draft proceedings here.
Session I. Commodity improvement focus
- Maize CRP, Wheat CRP, CIMMYT: Monica Fisher [PDF]
- Roots, Tubers and Bananas CRP, CIP, IITA, CIAT, Bioversity: Guy Hareau [PDF]
- GRiSP CRP, IRRI, Africa Rice: Samarendu Mohanty and Aminou Arouna [PDF]
- Livestock and Fish CRP, ILRI: Lucy Lapar [PDF]
Session II. NRM and the Environment improvement focus
- Water, land and ecosystems CRP, IWMI: Marie-Charlotte Buisson [PDF]
- Climate change, agriculture and food security CRP, CIAT: Ricardo Labarta [PDF]
- Forests, trees and agroforestry CRP, CIFOR, WorldAgroforestry: Daniel Suryadarma and Steven Franzel [PDF 1 & 2]
Session III. Systems analysis and improvement focus
- Dryland Systems CRP, ICARDA: Aden Aw-Hassan [PDF]
- Integrated Systems for the Humid Tropics CRP, IITA: Abdoulaye Tahirou [PDF]
Session IV. Policy oriented focus
- Agriculture for Nutrition and Health CRP, IFPRI: Nancy Johnson [PDF]
- Policy, Institutions and Markets CRP, IFPRI: Peter Hazell/Frank Place [PDF]
SIAC Program Highlights (note: not all speakers used presentations)
- General Overview and SIAC Objectives 2-Outcomes & 3-Impacts: Doug Gollin and James Stevenson [PDF]
- SIAC Objectives 1-Methods and Objective 2.1-Outcomes: Mywish Maredia and Byron Reyes [PDF]
- SIAC Objective 4.2-Capacity Building: Jeff Alwang [PDF]
- Website and Donor Demands: Tim Kelley and Lakshmi Krishnan [PDF]
External link: AAEA 2014 conference website