The first evaluation undertaken by the IEA was of the CRP on Forests, Trees and Agroforestry. The CRP brings together four CGIAR research centers (CIFOR, ICRAF, Bioversity International, and CIAT) and key partners in their respective areas to work in partnership beyond normal research cooperation and coordination towards a common goal.
As the evaluation was conducted during the early phase of CRP implementation, the evaluation approach aimed mostly to be formative and forward-looking reviewing progress made so far towards results, and gender mainstreaming, governance and partnership aspects as well as other modalities of work introduced with the CGIAR Reform. The results of the evaluation aimed to provide inputs to the revision of the CRP strategy, including suggestions for a more efficient and effective organization of the work carried under the CRP.
The evaluation team was led by Markus Palenberg who was supported by a core team of subject-matter specialists. The first meeting of the evaluation team took place from 17-19 June in Rome. In 2013, the evaluation team visited the headquarters of two CRP-FTA centers (CIFOR and ICRAF) and conducted field visits to Indonesia, Kenya, Uganda, Cameroon, Ethiopia, and Zambia.