The CGIAR Reform changed the way the CGIAR conducts business. With the establishment of CRPs, Centers across the CGIAR family are now working together on common challenges. This progammatic approach has resulted in a range of new governance and management structures, varying across the CRPs.
The IEA was tasked with providing a comprehensive review of the governance and management of CRPs. It aimed to assess to what extent the practices put in place for CRPs are contributing to the effective and efficient delivery of appropriate research and capacity development outputs, while meeting international good standards of government and management practice, including fiduciary and risk minimization standards. The Review built on existing and on-going studies, including in particular, the Governance Review carried out by Price Waterhouse Coopers.
The review team was led by Maureen Robinson who was supported by a small support team. A series of webinars with primary stakeholders took place at the end of November 2013 to review preliminary findings, conclusions and recommendations.