The CGIAR Research Program on MAIZE (MAIZE) is led by CIMMYT and implemented in partnership with IITA and more than 300 other partners. It aims to double the productivity of maize-based farming systems, making them more resilient and sustainable and ultimately increasing farmers’ incomes and livelihoods. MAIZE’s main target group is smallholders who live in stress-prone environments and who have poor market access, which includes around 640 million people of which 72 million are maize dependent.
The primary purpose of this evaluation is to enhance the contribution that MAIZE is likely towards reaching the CGIAR goals and enhancing the productivity and sustainability of maize-based farming systems and the livelihoods of poor producers and consumers of maize in developing countries.
As with all CRP evaluations, the purpose of the evaluation of MAIZE is to provide essential evaluative information for decision-making by Program management and its funders on issues such as extension, expansion and structuring of the program and adjustments in some aspects of the program.
IEA Evaluation Manager is Sirkka Immonen supported by Sophie Zimm.