CGIAR was a founding member of EvalForward, a Community of Practice on Evaluation (and monitoring) for Food Security, Agriculture, and Rural Development together with the three Evaluation Offices of the UN Rome-based Agencies: the Food and Agriculture Organization (@FAO), the International Fund for Agricultural Development (@IFAD), and the World Food Programme (@WFP) EvalForward brings together over a thousand officers and professionals from all over the world to exchange experience and strengthen capacities for evaluation at country level.
Join us in the discussion!
CGIAR is co-hosting with FAO an online discussion for the next two weeks on how to evaluate science, technology and innovation in a development context. Check it out here. Members can participate to the discussion by posting their comments. The topic talks to the work of CGIAR, and questions allow to engage on different entry points to showcase or learn from others.
If you do not wish to register, you can send your contribution to the discussion to the address: and the facilitation team will post it to the online discussion on your behalf.
We would very much welcome your participation to the discussion, and we hope to see your contributions between today and April 11th.
Discussion contributions will be translated in real time to both French and Spanish. Don't miss the opportunity to be heard!