June 2, 2023, 12:00 PM CEST (Rome) 


Recording below 


This event will showcase the recent evaluation of the CGIAR GENDER Platform, a Platform which synthesizes research and sets directions to enable CGIAR to have impact on gender equality, opportunities for youth and social inclusion in agriculture and food systems. The Platform’s evaluation readiness was determined by an evaluability assessment following the CGIAR evaluability assessment guidelines. This session will explore the methodological insights from the evaluation, including the reflective, empowering, collaborative processes deployed in the evaluation to address gender and power relations and how these are influencing the uptake of the evaluation.



  • Erdoo Karen Jay-Yina | Senior Evaluation Officer, IAES

Event support

  • Samriti Maharjan | Analyst, 2023 CGIAR GENDER Platform Evaluation

Topics and themes

  • M&E Approaches and Methods
  • The Future of M&E: Culture, Context, and Collaboration

event card