Strategic & Synthesis Studies Impact SPIA Issued on 2018 Assessing Poverty Impacts of Agricultural Research: Methods and Challenges for CGIAR Gollin, D., Probst, L. T., & Brower, E.
Technical Notes Impact SPIA Issued on 2018 Estimating Historical CGIAR Research Investments Elven, S., Krishnan, L.
Briefs Impact SPIA Issued on 2018 Managing Natural Resources for Sustainable Production Systems: A Research Agenda at the Crossroads?
Briefs Impact SPIA Issued on 2018 What Is the Impact of NERICA Rice on Yields and Nutrition in Sierra Leone? Evidence from a Randomized Control Trial
Briefs Impact SPIA Issued on 2018 Social and Economic Benefits of CIFOR’s Sustainable Wetlands Adaptation and Mitigation Program (SWAMP)
Technical Notes Impact SPIA Issued on 2018 Outcomes of Policy-Oriented Research in the CGIAR Renkow,M.
Briefs Impact SPIA Issued on 2018 Impacts of Co-Management Activities on Forests and Households in Guinea
Briefs Impact SPIA Issued on 2018 Adoption and Impact of Improved Lentil Varieties in Bangladesh, 1996-2015
Technical Notes Impact SPIA Issued on 2018 Documenting the Impact of Widely-Adopted CGIAR Research Innovations Herdt, R.W.
Technical Notes Impact SPIA Issued on 2018 Assessing the Impacts of International Agricultural Research on Nutrition and Health in Africa and Asia Bulte, E.