ISPC Commentary on the Revised Proposal for CRP 1.2 - February 2012
ISPC Commentary on the revised proposal for CRP 1.2 "Humidtropics: Integrated systems for the humid tropics" (Version of 24 January 2012).
ISPC Commentary on the revised proposal for CRP 1.2 "Humidtropics: Integrated systems for the humid tropics" (Version of 24 January 2012).
ISPC Commentary on CRP 1.2 "Humidtropics: Integrated systems for the humid tropics" (Version of 15 August 2012)
ISPC Commentary on the Revised Proposal for CRP 4: Agriculture for Improved Nutrition & Health (Revision of October 2011).
The eleventh ISPC meeting was attended by 37 participants from the 30th March to 01st April 2015. The report annexes contain the list of participants as well as the final agenda for the meeting.
This document contains the report of the second External Review of the Sub-Saharan Africa Challenge Program (SSA-CP) together with the iISPC Commentary.
The ISPC will follow the criteria listed in the Guidance document and analyze the proposed evolution of each CRP compared to the first set of proposals both in terms of its individual merit and its...
This brief note describes the initial steps taken by the ISPC between June and September 2015 towards developing a framework for qualitatively assessing relative priorities across the 45 unique sub...
ISPC Commentary on the Expressions of Interest (EOIs) for the CGIAR Coordinating Platform on Big Data and ICT
ISPC Commentary on the Rice Agri-Food System (RAFS) Phase II Preproposal (2017-2022)
ISPC Commentary on the MAIZE Phase II Preproposal (2017-2022)
ISPC Commentary on the WHEAT Phase II Preproposal (2017-2022)
ISPC Commentary on the Fish Agri-food systems Phase II Preproposal (2017-2022)
ISPC commentary on the Roots, Tubers and Bananas (RTB) Phase II Preproposal (2017-2022)
ISPC Commentary on the Dryland Cereals and Legumes Agri-food Systems (DCLAS) Phase II Preproposal (2017-2022)
ISPC Commentary on the Livestock Agri-food systems Phase II Preproposal (2017-2022)