ISPC Commentary on the Preproposal for the Genebank programme
ISPC Commentary on the Preproposal for the Genebank programme
ISPC Commentary on the Preproposal for the Genebank programme
ISPC Commentary on the Agriculture for Nutrition & Health (A4NH) Phase II Preproposal (2017-2022)
ISPC Commentary on the Climate Change, Agriculture and Food Security (CCAFS) Phase II Preproposal (2017-2022)
ISPC commentary on the Water, Land and Ecosystems (WLE) Phase II Preproposal (2017-2022)
ISPC Commentary on the Expressions of Interest (EOIs) for the CGIAR Coordinating Platform on Capacity Development
ISPC Commentary on the Forests, Trees and Agroforestry (FTA) Phase II Preproposal (2017-2022)
This document presents the ISPC’s 2016 Work Plan and Budget.
An ISPC workshop on “Corridors, Clusters, and Spatial Development Initiatives in African Agriculture” was held on 30 November 2015 as a side event of the Global Forum for Innovations in Agriculture in...
ISPC Commentary on the Expression of Interest for the CGIAR Coordinating Platform on System-wide Genetic Resources Policy (SGRP)
The twelfth ISPC meeting was attended by 54 participants from the 15th to 16th September 2015. The report annexes contain the list of participants as well as the final agenda for the meeting.
ISPC commentary on the Expression of Interest for the CGIAR Coordinating Platform on Gender
CGIAR Independent Advisory and Evaluation Service Conflict of Interest Policy To fulfill its mandate, the CGIAR’s IAES and the two independent bodies it supports work with a wide range of partners...
The thirteenth meeting of the ISPC was held from the 25-27 May 2016 at CIP Headquarters, Lima, Peru. View presentations here.
This document contains the final report of the Panel together with the ISPC commentary. The Panel Report presents an analysis of the current activities within CGIAR concerning data, metrics, and...
This study is designed to provide the CGIAR system, the CGIAR Research Programs, and Donors with an analysis and recommendations for enhancing biotechnology research, through investment and...