The way I see CGIAR evolving is to become a knowledge broker and to partner very strategically with all of the other organizations that are now also playing in that space.
In the past we have solved most of the agricultural questions through knowledge embedded technologies: we have developed technologies that we could give to farmers that they could implement without having to have too much knowledge about it themselves. However, modern farmers in the developed or developing world need to have much more than just a technical understanding of agriculture, they need to be good IT managers, understand finance and markets, and work with human resources, among many other things. Is CGIAR well enough positioned to take up that challenge as a knowledge broker without losing some of the core elements that it has always been very good at?
In this video interview, Holger Meinke, Head, School of Land and Food; Director, Tasmanian Institute of Agriculture (TIA), University of Tasmania, explains the importance of knowledge intensive technologies and strategic partnerships as CGIAR looks ahead to position itself in a changing world where issues of sustainability, nutrition and social engagement are becoming increasingly important.