Date: 1 November 2022 

Place: Brisbane Convention and Exhibition Centre, Brisbane, Australia

Time: 13:00 - 15:00

The United Nations Food Systems Summit Scientific Group articulated the need to accelerate the promotion of inclusive innovation. Innovation is an important driver of economic growth and social wellbeing. What is required is a paradigm change. Namely, to move from instrumental inclusion designed to address excluded groups’ barriers to adoption, and toward transformational inclusion in processes of co-innovation.

Inclusiveness pertains not only to excluded actors in agrifood systems, such as poorer farmers cultivating more marginal lands, female and younger farmers, and entrepreneurs. The term also refers to domain expertise, breeds and crops, and research that may lie outside of mainstream attention yet hold strong promise to boost sustainable food and nutrition.

The ISDC Symposium “Building Inclusive Innovation in International Development” at TropAg Conference will explore inclusive innovation as it relates to governance in research organizations, the local needs and lessons learned from farmers, the social responsibility in cocreation, and how inclusivity can aid sustainable agrifood systems.


Session Introduction

Holger Meinke, ISDC Chair and Adjunct Research Professor for Global Food Sustainability, University of Tasmania

Inclusivity in Innovation Processes

Simon Fielke, Research Scientist, Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation (CSIRO)

View from the Field: Co-innovation with Small-scale Farmers

Bruno Condori Ali, Visiting Research Scientist, US Department of Agriculture (USDA) Agricultural Research Service (ARS)

Co-Creating Sustainability: Innovation in Sustainable Agrifood Systems

Alyssa Jade McDonald-Baertl, CGIAR Board Member

Effectiveness of Inclusive Partnerships for International Development Innovation in Areas with Limited Resources

Melinda R.S. Moata, Senior Lecturer, Kupang State Agricultural Polytechnic, Indonesia

Inclusive Partnerships for One CGIAR

Nompumelelo Obokoh, ISDC Member and Chairperson, Board of the National Research Foundation (NRF), South Africa

Panel discussion with speakers (time permitting)

Moderated by Session Chair Holger Meinke