The CGIAR 2030 Research and Innovation Strategy sets priorities to deliver solutions for development through 33 initiatives across three interlinked action areas: Systems Transformation, Resilient Agrifood Systems (RAFS), and Genetic Innovation. The RAFS Science Group (SG) delivers on research priorities aimed at transforming agri-food systems to enable the most vulnerable to access affordable, sufficient, safe, and healthy diets through 15 initiatives. This RAFS SG evaluation report is one of three SG evaluation reports, adopting a forward-looking perspective for the next portfolio 2025-30.
In response to the evaluation Terms of Reference, the report evaluates the RAFS SG Portfolio from January 2022 to February 2024, focusing on its effectiveness, relevance, coherence, efficiency, and quality of science. The evaluation aims to provide an independent assessment of performance and identify lessons learned to guide future design. Key findings include strong alignment with global agricultural priorities, as well as challenges in cross-center collaboration and stakeholder engagement. Recommendations emphasize enhancing national research involvement, strengthening country-level coordination, improving operational efficiency, and refining strategic planning for the 2025-30 portfolio. The report also advocates for better integration of gender, social inclusion, and climate change considerations in future research programs.
Explore more resources and insights on the Science Group Evaluations Portal.
CGIAR Independent Advisory and Evaluation Service (IAES). (2024). Resilient Agrifood Systems Science Group: Evaluation Report. Rome: IAES Evaluation Function.
N. Palmieri, B. Bennett, K. Fakoya, C. Meisner, M.M. Molinari