
The CGIAR Research Program on Policies, Institutions and Markets (PIM) is led by IFPRI and implemented with the participation of 11 CGIAR Centers, making it the second most that involves the largest number of Centers.

PIM’s strategic goal is to “identify and promote implementation of policies, institutions, and markets to improve food security and incomes of the rural poor on a sustainable basis”. The core work of PIM is to develop tools, datasets, methods, and models to provide analytical foundations for policy analysis, and to apply these tools to inform policy choices. The CRP aims to bring together policy-oriented research carried out across the CGIAR Centers in order to achieve greater impact. Therefore, both internal and external partnerships are a crucial element in the CRP. A large majority of partners comes from research (National Agricultural Research Systems [NARS], Research Institutes and Academia). Government organization, regional organizations, Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs) and Development Agencies constitute also important channel for implementation, outreach and communication.

As all CRP evaluations, the purpose of the evaluation of PIM is to provide essential evaluative judgments for decision-making by Program management, its funders and partners with respect to issues such as continuation, expansion and structuring of the program and adjustments in various aspects of the program.


CGIAR-IEA (2015). Evaluation of CGIAR Research Program on Policies, Institutions and Markets. Rome, Italy: Independent Evaluation Arrangement (IEA) of the CGIAR.


Krister Andersson Chris Gerrard (Team Leader) Willi Meyers Flora Nankhuni John Spriggs