ISPC Commentary on the Proposal for CRP 2 - March 2011
ISPC Commentary on the proposal for CRP 2: Policies, Institutions and Markets to Strengthen Food Security and Incomes for the Rural Poor (Version of January 2011).
ISPC Commentary on the proposal for CRP 2: Policies, Institutions and Markets to Strengthen Food Security and Incomes for the Rural Poor (Version of January 2011).
Interim Independent Science and Partnership Council Commentary on CRP 3.3: GRiSP, Global Rice Science Partnership (Revision of September 2010).
ISPC Commentary on the revised proposal for CRP 2: Policies, Institutions and Markets to strengthen Food Security and Incomes for the Rural Poor (revision of May 2011).
ISPC Commentary on the revised proposal for CRP 2: Policies, Institutions and Markets to strengthen Food Security and Incomes for the Rural Poor (Revision of October 2011).
ISPC commentary on the proposal for CRP 3.1: "WHEAT - Global Alliance for Improving Food Security and the Livelihoods of the Resource-poor in the Developing World" (Proposal of March 2011).
The ISPC is facilitating System-wide agreement on the nature and assessment of Quality of Research for Development (QoR4D). A small working group (WG) on QoR4D with representation from Centers, CRPs...
The fifteenth meeting of the ISPC was held from 04-05 April 2017 in Rome, Italy. View presentations here.
This ISPC commented study examines two distinct partnership domains: Multi-stakeholder partnerships (MSPs) in Agricultural Research for Development and Global MSPs approaches. It develops a framework...
ISPC Assessment of Revised CRP-II Full proposals, 14 September 2016
Covering memo from the ISPC Chair - ISPC review of revised CRP proposals, September 2016
The fourteenth meeting of the ISPC was held from the 14-16 September 2016 at ICRISAT Headquarters, Patancheru, India. View presentations here.
This document presents the ISPC’s 2017 Work Plan and Budget.
ISPC Assessment of the Rice Agri-Food System (RICE) CRP-II revised proposal (2017-2022)
ISPC Assessment of the Roots, Tubers and Bananas (RTB) CRP-II revised proposal (2017-2022)
ISPC Assessment of the Wheat Agri-Food System (WHEAT) CRP-II revised proposal (2017-2022)