African Agriculture Toward 2030
This review identifies how major trends in African urbanization and agricultural land dynamics are shaping the research priorities of the international public research system. The study’s specific...
This review identifies how major trends in African urbanization and agricultural land dynamics are shaping the research priorities of the international public research system. The study’s specific...
ISPC Commentary on the proposal for CRP 3.4: Roots, Tubers and Bananas for Food Security and Income.
ISPC Commentary on the revised proposal for CRP 3.4: Roots, tubers and bananas for food security and income (Revision of September 2011).
ISPC Commentary on the revised proposal for CRP 3.5: Grain Legumes (Revision of February 2012).
ISPC Commentary on the revised proposal for CRP 5: Water, Land and Ecosystems.
ISPC Commentary on the proposal for CRP 6: Forests Trees and Agroforestry: Livelihoods, Landscapes and Governance (Version of February 2011).
The ISPC recently conducted a self-evaluation of the Science Forum series as a core mechanism for mobilizing science in terms of identifying new science needs and opportunities, and forging new...
The synthesis report identifies six conclusions, from which it derives six corresponding recommendations. For the most part, the ISPC endorses these conclusions and recommendations. Each of these is...
ISPC commentary on the Proposal for CRP 1.2: Humid tropics.
The next two decades will see continuing and dramatic changes in world food systems. This concept note is intended to point the way towards a systematic study of the ways in which some major trends...
To facilitate broad participation, the number of Plenary Sessions at the 2013 Science Forum was kept small and the topics focused on cross-cutting issues such as gender, evaluation and regional...
This meta-level synthesis highlights common features, shortcomings and potential risk areas perceived in the governance and management arrangements described in the proposed CRPs with regard to the...
The contents of the breakout sessions are summarized here including the priority research questions and what the lessons might be for the new CGIAR.
The Forum's conclusions and directions are summarized in this brief.
The think piece on Theories of Change and Impact pathways, commissioned by the ISPC centers around theoretical articulation of the concept and components of a TOC. It provides a useful assessment of...