Background and Context
Climate change, agriculture, and food security (CCAFS) is one of four cross-cutting Global Integrating Programs within the CGIAR portfolio. It seeks to address challenges of climate change and food security by mobilizing CGIAR and partner science and expertise to achieve positive change with respect to climate-smart agriculture (CSA), food systems, and landscapes. Phase II (2017–20) builds on Phase I (2011–16). CCAFS is a partnership of 15 CGIAR Centers, led by the Alliance of Bioversity International and the International Center for Tropical Agriculture (CIAT) (hereafter referred to as ‘the Alliance’), with 27 non-CGIAR strategic partners. Research activities are carried out through four Flagship Programs (FPs) and two cross-cutting Learning Platforms (LPs). The FPs/LPs are as follows: FP1–Policies and Priorities for CSA; FP2–Climate-Smart Technologies and Practices; FP3–Low-Emissions Development; FP4–Climate Services and Safety Nets; LP5–Gender and Social Inclusion; and LP6–Scaling Climate Smart-Agriculture.
Purpose and Scope of the CCAFS 2020 Review
In 2020 the CGIAR CAS Secretariat is conducting independent reviews of all 12 CGIAR Research Programs (CRPs) to inform the System Council and CRPs. This review focuses on the work of the CCAFS CRP during the years 2017 to 2019 of Phase II. The review questions, set by the CAS are (1) Quality of science: To what extent does the CRP deliver quality of science, based on its work from 2017 through 2019?; (2) Effectiveness: What outputs and outcomes have been achieved, and what is the importance of those identified results?; (3) Future orientation: To what extent is the CRP positioned to be effective in the future, seen from the perspectives of scientists and of the end users of agricultural research (such as policymakers, practitioners, or market actors)?
CAS Secretariat (CGIAR Advisory Services Shared Secretariat). (2020). CGIAR Research Program 2020 Reviews: Climate Change, Agriculture and Food Security. Rome: CAS Secretariat Evaluation Function. https://cas.cgiar.org/
Valerie Nelson and John Morton