Food systems rely on the environment for inputs such as land, water, and genetic materials. At the same time, poor management of agricultural land, freshwater, and marine resources and the continuing expansion of agricultural land are the biggest threats to environmental health. Furthermore, agriculture and food systems are responsible for a considerable proportion of global greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. This reciprocal relationship means that environment and climate change shape the future of food systems while food systems have impacts on the environment and climate change. These changes do not take place in isolation but are inseparable from other key factors such as technological change (especially disruptive technologies and technology adoption), societal changes (such as dietary change), market dynamics, and ways to govern food system activities.
The presented synthesis of food foresight studies was commissioned by the Independent Science for Development Council (ISDC) of CGIAR as part of the ongoing reform process of the system toward One CGIAR. The study focuses on ‘the implications of recent foresight studies for CGIAR research for development as it relates to impact areas of climate and environment’. The desk review synthesizes a set of 11 key documents selected by the ISDC. The reports vary substantially in their specific foci and the parts of food systems they address (e.g., agriculture, value chains, consumers). In addition, several of them focus on specific food system developments (such as technological advances) and their effects.
Zurek, M., Hebinck, A., Selomane, O. (2020). Food and Agriculture Systems Foresight Study - Implications for climate change and the environment. Independent Science for Development Council (ISDC)
Zurek, M., Hebinck, A., Selomane, O.
Independent Science for Development Council (ISDC)