The Standing Panel on Impact Assessment (SPIA) is an external, impartial panel of experts in impact assessment appointed by the System Council and accountable to it. SPIA is responsible for providing rigorous, evidence-based, and independent strategic advice to the broader CGIAR System on efficient and effective impact assessment methods and practices, including those measuring impacts beyond contributions to science and economic performance, and on innovative ways to improve knowledge and capacity on how research contributes to development outcomes. SPIA’s mandate is to:
- Expand and deepen evidence of impact of CGIAR research investments on CGIAR Strategy and Results Framework (SRF) outcomes and associated Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs),
- Support CGIAR's strong commitment to embed a culture of impact assessment into the System.
To fulfill its mandate, SPIA works with a wide range of partners inside and outside CGIAR. SPIA also works with other CGIAR independent advisory services, and may convene strategic impact assessment discussions at the request of the System Council.
SPIA’s current multi-year program of work is based around three objectives: 1) Support CGIAR’s strong commitment to embed a culture of impact assessment into the System 2) Expand and deepen evidence of impact of CGIAR research investments on CGIAR SRF outcomes and associated SDGs 3) Improve and institutionalize collection of data on diffusion and use of CGIAR innovations in national data collection systems
SPIA evidence, approaches, and reflections on the impact of CGIAR research can be found in syntheses reports, technical notes, and impact briefs as well as in occasional blogs on our website.