Science Forum 2018 (SF18), Win more, lose less: Capturing synergies between SDGs through agricultural research, was held from 10-12 October 2018 in Stellenbosch, South Africa.
The objective of SF18 was to identify substantial interactions between the SDGs (both positive and negative), the role of agricultural research in augmenting synergies and managing trade-offs, and the ensuing implications for the science-policy interface. Results will contribute to the discussion of developing research themes and frameworks in CGIAR.
DAY 1 (Wednesday, October 10, 2018)
PLENARY - Setting the scene: how are synergies and trade-offs between SDGs being addressed in policy and research?
Chair: Jennifer Thomson, ISPC Member; Emeritus Professor, Department of Molecular and Cell Biology, University of Cape Town, South Africa
Jennifer Thomson - Opening
Opening welcome
Keynote speakers
- Jean-Pascal van Ypersele - SDG interactions and agricultural research: Challenges and opportunities
- Salman Hussain - TEEB for Agriculture and Food
PLENARY - TOPIC 1 (Interactions between increasing staple crop productivity, resilience to climate change, improving nutrition and sustaining agro-biodiversity)
Chair: Patrick Webb, ISPC Member, Professor of Nutrition, Friedman School of Nutrition Science and Policy, Tufts University, USA
- Ruth De Fries - Trade offs and Synergies among Climate Resilience, Human Nutrition, and Agricultural Productivity of Cereals
- Melinda Smale - Pathways of staple crop productivity through agrobiodiversity to diet diversity: Evidence on links & trade-offs
- Marianne Bänziger - Crop productivity and Agrobiodiversity
- Bhavani Shankar - Income elasticities for foods in India (2 slides)
PLENARY - Foresight and SDG interactions
Chair: Rodomiro Ortiz, ISPC Member; Faculty (Chair) Professor of Genetics and Plant Breeding, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, Sweden
- Keith Wiebe - Strategic Foresight and the CGIAR: Meeting future challenges and the SDGs
- Ana Paula Aguiar - Can we get to zero hunger & rural prosperity by 2030?
- Breeding for multiple objectives - Crops to End Hunger Initiative - USAID and ISPC (Lapa - Nietvoorbij campus)
- Impact assessment of AR4D in the era of the SRF and SDGs: Challenges, methods and guidance - SPIA (Olive grove - Infruitec campus)
- Foresight and SDG interactions: Using foresight to assess the basis of SDG interactions under future scenarios - ISPC (Basement - Nietvoorbij campus)
- USAID - ISPC Breakout Session #1
- SPIA Breakout Session #2
- Presentation - SPIA Breakout Session #2
- ISPC Foresight Breakout Session #3
DAY 2 (Thursday, October 11, 2018)
PLENARY - TOPIC 2 (Interactions between intensifying livestock and aquaculture production for food and nutrition security, and: a) increased vulnerability to antimicrobial resistance and zoonoses; b) land use change)
Chair: Maggie Gill, ISPC Chair; Professor of Integrated Land Use, School of Biological Science, University of Aberdeen, UK
- Jonathan Rushton - Interactions between intensifying livestock production for food & nutrition security
- Mario Herrero - Livestock, land and the environmental limits of animal source-food consumption
- Delia Grace: Demon Duck of Doom
- Marius Gilbert - Intensifying livestock : EID, AMR & Land use change
- Luciana Gallardo Lomeli - Comments on Intensifying livestock & aquaculture production for food security & nutrition perspective
PLENARY - TOPIC 3 (Grappling with complex systems: the water-energy-food nexus experience)
Chair: Holger Meinke, ISPC Member; Head, School of Land and Food; Director, Tasmanian Institute of Agriculture (TIA), University of Tasmania, Australia
- Mathew Kurian - Riding Out the Perfect Storm: The Case for Integrative Modelling via Place-based Observatories
- Francesco Fuso Nerini - The climate-land-energy and water nexus: Implications for agricultural research
- Jacques Wery - Grappling with Complex Systems: The water-energy-food nexus experience
- Manuel Barange - Grappling with complex systems: The water-energy-food nexus experience
- Managing the roles of livestock and fish in sustainable food systems - ILRI, WorldFish and FAO (Olive grove - Infruitec campus)
- Synergies and tradeoffs among SDGs: the climate dimension - CCAFS and Sustainable Amazon Foundation (Pinotage - Nietvoorbij campus)
- Nexus, Systems, Landscapes: Does Your Sector Still Matter? Rethinking the Agricultural Research Agenda to Help us Tackle Tradeoffs - CGIAR Research Program on Water, Land and Ecosystems (WLE) , IWMI and IFPRI (Lapa - Nietvoorbij campus)
- Managing tradeoffs: how do we translate research into evidence? - Cornell University and Nature Plants (Basement - Nietvoorbij campus)
- ILRI - WorldFish - FAO Breakout Session #4
- CCAFS - FAS Breakout Session #5
- WLE - IWMI - IFPRI Breakout Session #6
- Cornell University - Nature Plants Breakout Session #7
DAY 3 (Friday, October 12, 2018)
PLENARY - Report back from breakout sessions
Chairs: Nighisty Ghezae, ISPC Member; Director, International Foundation for Science, Sweden and Rodomiro Ortiz, ISPC Member; Faculty (Chair) Professor of Genetics and Plant Breeding, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, Sweden
PLENARY - Strengthening the science-policy interface
Chair: Karen Macours, Chair, Standing Panel on Impact Assessment (SPIA); Associate professor at the Paris School of Economics and researcher at French National Institute for Agricultural Research (INRA)
- Ruben Echeverria - Strengthening policy dialogues in CGIAR
- Sara Savastano - Strengthening the science-policy Interface in the face of increasing complexity
PLENARY - Implications for CGIAR and way forward
Chair: Leslie Lipper, Executive Director, ISPC Secretariat