
The 13th meeting of the CGIAR System Council approved the 2022–2024 CGIAR Investment Prospectus. With this approval came the request of a CGIAR-authored Companion Document (CD) that would detail the approach used to build a coherent and cohesive group of Initiatives to advance the 2030 Research and Innovation Strategy. System Council requested ISDC to assess the CD concurrently during the ISDC external review of the initial 19 Initiative proposals.

System Council tasked ISDC to review the CD based on the four criteria of external coherence, internal coherence, interdependencies, and management of funding uncertainties. In addition, ISDC included a question in each proposal review that asked Does the Initiative align with the cohesion of the portfolio as described in the CD?

The assessment of the companion document includes sections on the document strengths, overall considerations, detailed responses to each criterion, and the responses for each proposal review question. 


ISDC (Independent Science for Development Council). (2021). Towards a Cohesive and Coherent 2022 – 2024 Investment Prospectus, ISDC Review of the Companion Document. Rome: ISDC


Independent Science for Development Council (ISDC)