Innovation is a popular term today within and outside CGIAR that has few synonyms. But what does innovation really mean and how does it relate to inclusion and institutions?
This year brings back the ISDC’s Science Forum through two events in October and November focused on important aspects of inclusive and institutional innovation. The first event in October is a virtual side event on the 13th at the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) Science and Innovation Forum 2022 that will discuss institutional innovation while the second event will take place in tandem with the 17th Meeting of the System Council at TropAg on 1 November in Brisbane Australia and focuses on inclusive innovation in international development. This new dedicated webpage will be continuously updated as new materials are developed.
Historically, the Science Forum was a series of events initiated by the then Independent Science and Partnership Council (ISPC) in 2009 under its remit of mobilizing science for development through international dialogue on critical issues in agricultural research. ISDC is renewing its commitment to these science dialogues with a focus on innovation with symposiums from 2022 to 2024. The ISDC @TropAg symposium and @FAO side event are designed as building blocks towards a full Science Forum to be held at a location in conjunction with the anticipated November 2023 System Council meeting.
Exploring Quality of Research for Development within Institutional Innovation
The Quality of Research for Development (QoR4D) framework facilitates CGIAR System-wide agreement on what constitutes “quality” for problem-oriented research designed to have impact. Experience demonstrated that AR4D criteria should extend beyond conventional research output or impact metrics (e.g., peer-reviewed publications and their citations) and should include relevance, scientific credibility, legitimacy (which includes local acceptance), and effectiveness. The virtual side event “QoR4D to Strengthen Institutional Innovation” at FAO Science and Innovation Forum 2022 will explore how QoR4D can strengthen different levels of institutional innovations as it supports good governance in CGIAR and AR4D organizations. Registration is free and the event is scheduled for Thursday 13 October 2022, 14:00-15:30 (CEST).
Building Inclusive Innovation in International Development
Before the CGIAR System Council meets in Brisbane Australia in November, ISDC will present a symposium at the TropAg Conference that will discuss inclusive innovation as it relates to governance in research organizations, the local needs and lessons learned from farmers, the social responsibility in cocreation, and how inclusivity can aid sustainable agrifood systems.
This symposium scheduled for Tuesday, 2 Nov at 13:00 to 15:00 (AEST) builds on current work of an ISDC literature review and expert consultations that examines existing inclusive innovation systems; validated strategies for navigating trade-offs, advancing inclusivity through partnerships, and fostering mindset and behavioral shifts through institutional changes; and mechanisms for measuring the practice and impact of inclusive innovation. The symposium will discuss how inclusive innovation can be strengthened for research for development organizations similar to CGIAR. At the time of this blog’s publication, TropAg will only be held in-person. However, a collection of videos will be posted after so the symposium can live outside the walls of the convention center.
Follow the conversation on Twitter and Linked via #ISDCForum22 and check back for additional materials at the new Science Forum project page.
We hope that you will join us and be part of the discourse that will shape and foster inclusive and institutional innovation.