
The online survey is one of the data collection methods conducted by the evaluation team as part of the 2023 evaluation of the Genebank Platform. The survey was released on 5 September and closed on 18 September 2023. The questionnaire was designed in such a way that respondents were directed to a set of specific questions based on their respective types of engagement with the Platform. Two versions of the survey were released, one in English and one in Spanish.

A total of 223 individuals responded to the survey, out of an estimated 947 recipients, containing various groups, such as:

  • Managers of CGIAR Genebanks, who were asked to share the survey with their staff members and 2017-21 germplasm users.
  • Leaders of Germplasm Health Units (GHUs), who were asked to share the survey with their staff members.
  • Leaders of Genebank Platform Communities of Practice, who were asked to share the survey with Community of Practice (CoP) members and participants of Genebank Operations and Advanced Learning (GOAL) workshops.

The purpose of the Genebank Platform evaluation is to support the institutional learning of CGIAR and Crop Trust and provide evidence regarding the efficiency and effectiveness of the Genebank Platform (from 2017-21). For more information about the evaluation’s overall methodology, see the evaluation Terms of Reference and Inception Report.


CGIAR Independent Advisory and Evaluation Service (IAES). (2023). Evaluation of the CGIAR Genebank Platform, Results from Online Survey. Rome: IAES Evaluation Function.


Independent Advisory and Evaluation Service (IAES)