Global Ambitions, Sustainable Paths
Vietnam is a country of stunning contrasts, boasting an extensive coastline, lush deltas, and majestic mountains that shape its diverse landscapes. Divided into six primary regions, including the bustling Red River and Mekong River Deltas, Vietnam offers a rich tapestry of culture, history, and innovation. Its administrative structure balances national policy direction with local decision-making, allowing provinces and districts to develop tailored agricultural strategies. With a strong emphasis on modernization, Vietnam has seen rapid economic growth, shifting from a primarily agrarian economy to one that embraces commercial agriculture and technological advancements.
Key Findings SPIA Viet Nam Report 2024
Number of households adopting each CGIAR-related innovation in Viet Nam in 2023, in millions
Note: Innovations in dark blue are included in the lower bound of CGIAR reach. To calculate the upper bound of CGIAR’s reach, we include innovations in light blue.
Beyond its economic transformation, Vietnam stands at a crossroads, balancing progress with sustainability. The country’s success in poverty reduction and agricultural innovation is remarkable, yet challenges remain. Environmental concerns, including intensive land use and climate change risks, highlight the need for sustainable farming solutions. As Vietnam continues to evolve, its journey offers valuable insights into resilience, adaptation, and the potential for agricultural research to drive long-term development.